We are the leading title search provider in the state of Ohio.
Crown Search Services offers full title examination and document recording services in all 88 Ohio counties. We work with each individual organization, no matter the size, to tailor a solution to meet your needs.
Our examiners come from a wide variety of searching backgrounds and we have strategically placed them to provide the highest quality and efficiency in completing your search requests.
Our clients include Title Agencies, lenders, as well as attorneys. Whatever market you’re in, from purchasing and refinancing to foreclosure work and everything in between, Crown can design a solution that’s right for you.

To ensure the fast, smooth, transfer of accurate information vital to the closing of real estate transactions.

Efficiency. Accuracy. Attentiveness. Dependability. Responsiveness. Dedication. Service to others.

We pride ourselves on being there the fastest, with the best. If we can anticipate your needs, all the better.

Like a personal assistant or a trusted butler, we are efficient, dependable, hard-working, dedicated, and extremely attentive to your needs. We organize. We inform. We handle. We deliver. We do what you ask, sometimes before you even ask it. And we take great pride in our ability to make you look good, because in doing so, we look good, too.

Crown Search will un-complicate your life by providing you with the information that is essential to your business – when you need it, where you need it, and how you need it.